- Department of Job and Family Services
- Bureau of State Hearings
- Ohio Department of Health
- Ohio Home Care Waiver
- HOME Choice
- American Association of Nurse Practitioners www.aanp.org
- American Health Care Association www.ahcancal.org
- American Nurses Association www.nursingworld.org
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention www.cdc.gov
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services www.cms.gov
- COVID-19 www.cdc.gov
- Everyday Health – Online Health Information www.everydayhealth.com
- Family Caregiver Alliance www.caregiver.org
- Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline www.ohiomh.com
- OPTUM www.optum.com
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services www.hhs.gov
- VA www.va.gov
- WRAAA www.areaagingsolutions.org